Sunday, November 28, 2010

Feeling Safe.

Last night was horrible. Matthew stayed on with me the whole time, despite his phone being near dead and his charger broken. There were a few very scary moments, but I'm okay. I got out of the house and to a party with my sister and I was safe. I slept with every light I had in my room on. I left the window open, though. If there is someone following me, I want to know for sure. I kept my kistone by the window, so I think that kept me safe. I keep it in a little baggie in my pocket. It still burns me a little, but it's better than what might happen if I don't have it with me.

I don't know what's going on, but I'll do my best. I've just been really stressed.

I have school tomorrow. I'd best finish up my books today.

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